Addio 2020, Salve 2021!
Goodbye, Arrivederci, and Addio 2020! I think we can all agree that 2020 was a year to remember…or to forget! We had countless opportunities to …
Goodbye, Arrivederci, and Addio 2020! I think we can all agree that 2020 was a year to remember…or to forget! We had countless opportunities to …
These vegan, chocolate chunk Italian-style cookies are joy-filled and yummy bites of comfort that instantaneously bring an easy dose of sweetness to our lives in lockdown.
It’s a New Year, a New Decade, and Another Opportunity to Begin Anew This, our 13th Annual Photo Montage, is a review of the incredible …
At some point later, if not right now, the overuse of adjectives like “stunning” and “gorgeous” and “lovely” are going to cause reader fatigue. Clearly, …
I was sad to leave Vieste but with towns like Locorotondo and Otranto to explore, that feeling quickly evaporated into wild adventure zeal. Locorotondo Located …
Vieste – a beautiful city indeed Lodging: Palace Hotel Vieste This is a typical Italian hotel with big rooms, a very friendly staff and a great …
Ancona by way of Cesenatico From Venice, we drove south in our adorable Cinquecento feeling all Italian-like. I have distant cousins in Cesanatico, so we stopped there …
And now the fun begins, our journey along the coast of Italy beginning with Venice and ending with Rome. With my work in London and …