The week of March 10
Well, hola there, we’ve returned to Sayulita. I almost wrote we’re back home, but we’re not sure where exactly home is at present. So, we’re simply back to Sayulita.
For all of our enjoyment, I’m keeping this post with written brevity and photographic verbosity.We spent this week busily preparing for Jaime’s visit, catching up with friends, and building back our strength after nearly a week of being wiped out by Señor Gripa (aka the flu). In actuality, this week was weighted more heavily on the social side of things. From the GPS (Grupo Pro Sayulita) fundraiser, to dinner with a friend, to the Vagina Monologues cast party, we scooted around like a couple of teeny boppers. I must say, it was kind of fun and a nice change from our normally low-key life here in Sayulita.

The venue, food, and drinks were all donated by the generous owners of restaurant Don Pedro’s, Damion Porter and Nicholas Parrilo. I want to take a moment to mention that these two do a lot for Sayulita. You can check out a snippet comes from their website. AND Scott scored 25k’s of dog food for only $15.00 US at the silent auction. woot.

Morning Walks
Walking with Scott and Stella, I saw this little guy on a distant branch at the edge of the jungle on Gringo Hill. I ran back to the casa for my camera. When he turned his head almost 360 degrees, I was more certain he was an owl. Checkout the fake eyes he has on the back of his head. Evolution is so cool.
Below is my raw, unedited, journal entry:
Immediately I thought it was an owl but quickly dismissed the notion realizing the virtual impossibility of such an uncanny occurrence during the day. I ran back to the casa to get my camera and tripod. I almost didn’t take the risk to run all the way home for my equipment, but am so glad I did. Later, I wished I had gotten my 600mm lens for even closer shots. I stood there for over an hour photographing the little guy. He turned his head nearly 360 degrees. On the back of his head were two patches of feathers that looked like eyes. How curious! Evolution has created a bird who appears to have eyes in the back of his head! His puffed up feathers and frequent dozing lead me to believe he was a baby…something. Hawk maybe?
Well, the two local hummingbirds were in fits. They were dive-bombing him and clicking nonstop. Then a yellow bird (name unknown) joined the haranguing. Baby bird seemed disturbed when everyone was bullying him at once. I had a hard time choosing a team. I mean, hummingbirds are my soul symbol, but this little guy clearly was causing no problems. Yes, perhaps he was casing out the joint for a future, hardy meal, but really, he seemed like a lost little baby. Eventually he did fly to another branch, and I was relieved to see he could fly. I departed and have been looking for him everyday since, but to no avail.
You can see a short video of him here.
Near Puesto del Sol by Manuel’s Rancho

March 17- March 24 – Jaime Visits!
Our Week in Photos
Oh how we awaited this day! The man and I rented a car on St. Patty’s Day. This afforded us a trip to the Costco, Mega, and the airport to pick up Jaime. And since we had the car, we joyfully scooped her up at the airport, dropped stuff off at home, and went to San Pancho for dinner. Our little family time was off to a fun start! Happiness.
Sunday in San Pancho on the beach for margaritas and noshes.

Jaime was able to experience the full flavor of Sayulitan living. Starting with the Sunday evening party downtown and loud revelers (including a brass band) late into the night. Sleeping in the (OPEN) livingroom, she heard the nighttime creatures, one of which I, myself, haven’t heard, the surreptitious owl-like critter, along with the morning organic alarm clocks ranging from the neighing horses to the cock-a-doodle-do-whaps (the roosters start at about 4:15 AM), to the chicken-turkey birds aka Chachalacas (who sound like a large piece of machinery that is being flooded out when starting), to the Yellow-Winged Cacique, which makes about 7 different distinct and loud sounds. One is hard-pressed to get a deep sleep here. But really, why would one need a deep sleep in the already sleepy Tropics?

Later, we went to the North-end and hung out on the beach for too long. Jaime’s burn made her red as a gala apple and unable to partake in sunbathing for the following two days. But that didn’t stop the fun here at Casa dos Perros! We taught her the family card game tradition, Shanghai Rummy. We played and played and played…and played.
Tuesday – Wednesday
Tuesday was a chill day as Jaime stayed inside and out of the sun. We had dinner at Rollies and wished we had just eaten at home after too many nights out and my really needing our simple dinner of beans and rice. Too many restaurant meals in too short a time was doing a job on my digestion. Hence…Wednesday.Wednesday, I was grappling with yet ANOTHER bug – that’s 3 in four months. Oy. My body is still adapting to the bombardment of different microbes, I suppose. I slept all day, among other things. Scott and Jaime went out exploring’, and the following is an awesome photo by Jaime.

We took Jaime to Haixa in Punta de Mita to experience the sublime for a mere 200 pesos ($16 US). With the yummiest of comfortable lounge chairs, free drinks, free food, and clean, beautiful, ambience, we were sad to hear that they are discontinuing their day passes to Sayulita residents.

On the ride back from Punta de Mita we encountered a….okay, you guess what I’m about to write. It starts with a “P” and ends with an “E”.
Wait for it…
Wait for it…
Wait for it…
A parade!
Of the most precious kind! It marked the first day of Spring, which here in Sayulita is cause not only for a celebratory procession but also a sweet way to show off the new child King, Queen, Prince, and Princess. This is an adorable and annual tradition here in town. Boxes placed around the plaza marked the various candidates for this precious, Primavera, custom. Votes were cast in the form of coins thrown into the boxes. The two ninos with the most coins were the King and Prince respectively. The two ninas with the most coins were the Queen and Princess respectively. The remaining children dressed like animals and brightly colored insects – butterflies! Children and parents together decorate their trucks, cars, golf carts, load up the charming creatures along with the newly elected royalty, and flaunt them around the village.
Jaime joined me at Paraiso Yoga studio (who generously donated the space btw) to take a dance lesson in their palapa with the CVIS Middle School kids. The dance lesson, gratis, by professional dancer and Middle School dance mentor, Claire Olberding, from Portland. Claire was on vacation in Sayulita for six weeks and offered her special services. This lesson was a special ‘thank you’ to the kids for their Siete Dias de Basura project (you’ll be more reading about this in a future posting). Claire was fabuloso with the kids. There’s one teen in particular who I have never seen smile, but she was bursting with joy while dancing. Below are some of the photos that I took and some that Scott took while Jaime and I joined them. For confidentiality purposes, I am not naming the children. Unfortunately, there were several that didn’t attend as it was the first day of Semana Santa.
On the way back through town, crossing the main bridge.

At the Farmer’s Market – every Friday at the Cultural Center
This was a bitter sweet day. The bitter part: Jaime’s last day here. The sweet part: Puerto Vallarta. We got a great rate (about $65 US) at the Sheraton Buganvilias, but unfortunately it was a pay for what you get dealy. Arriving early, the room wasn’t ready. Add to it, the first weekend of Semana Santa, and the place was packed. No worries. Scott set off to the Mega for a couple decks of cards while Jaime and I set up outside with a few drinks and a good card-playing table. Granted, Scott would not have had to go buy cards had I NOT forgotten my bag, which held not only playing cards but all of my personal belongings (personal hygiene, sleep clothes, and a change of undies). And yet another lesson for me on living more simply.
Fortunately, Scott remembered to pick up a toothbrush for me as well as cards while at the Mega. Jaime had a beautiful reframe, “This speaks volumes to how chill you’ve gotten when you forget your overnight bag”. Hell yes! Thank you for that. Amazingly enough, I was only mildly agitated about this loss, and even then, the agitation only lasted a few brief moments. Perhaps I have grown. It sure makes unpacking easy. And it was warm enough for me to wear the same day clothes at night. If only I hadn’t already been wearing those clothes for two days already. No matter.

We dumped off our stuff in the room, readied ourselves, and set out for the Malecon.
We had a great day tooling around and helping Jaime find gifts for friends and fam. Dinner at Archie’s Wok with Scott’s friend Paul topped off the day. Archie was the personal chef for John Huston at his Pacific hide-away, Las Caletas (the coveres) in Banderas Bay. Fresh, organic, vegan. I had a dinner that still makes my mouth water weeks after consumption: Broccoli and Tofu Stir-Fry with Mushrooms and Cashews. And here’s a common story in Mexico: Paul had bought organic soil from our waiter (Arturo, if I recall) only hours before.
We made the valiant attempt to go to sleep by 10:30 since Jaime had to be at the airport 5:00 AM on Sunday. But (here’s the part where we regretted our hotel decision), the hotel was hosting a wedding. While we were a couple floors up, the party was just below our room. Obnoxious thumping music started at 10:00, and Scott was told by Guest Services that it would last until 1:00. We tried to sleep. At 11:30 Scott went down to complain. They moved us to completely different section of the hotel. Now, it’s midnight, and we’re all getting up in four hours. The new room was musty and the bed not nearly as comfy (I’ve grown to expect this in Mexico), yet we were relieved to have some silence. With four hours of sleep under our belts or in our night caps, we arose and Jaime made it in plenty of time to catch her flight and start her very long (about 15 hours) journey home. We missed her the minute she departed. sigh.

“I sustain myself with the love of family.”
~ Maya Angelou
*Photos and stuff* Please contact me for permission to use images and text for commercial or private use.
This is Mexico Post #10, to see the other Mexico posts, click click click away
Mexico Post #1, Me and My Trimalleolar go to Mexico with my Husband and our Pooch
Mexico Post #2, Dos Americanos y Su Perro en Mexico
Mexico Post #3, Feliz Ano Nuevo 2013
Mexico Post #4, Ballenas, Ballenas Hermosas
Mexico Post #5, Una Visita Morelia
Mexico Post #6, Mariposas Monarcas!
Mexico Post #7, Los Pueblos de Patzcuaro, Paracho, y Tzintzuntzan
Mexico Post #8, La pintoresca ciudad de San Miguel de Allende
Mexico Post #9, Guanajuato, Guanajuato
Mexico Post #10, Back to Sayulita and Jaime Visits!
Mexico Post #11, Semana Santa y Semana Pasqua
Mexico Post #12, Semana de Animales
Mexico Post #13, Semana de Amigos y Amigas
Mexico Post #14, Frida y Diego
Mexico Post #15, Adiós Sayulita
Mexico Post #16, Living and Grinning in San Miguel de Allende
Mexico Post #17, Puddle Jumping in San Miguel de Allende
Mexico Post #18, Guanajuato International Film Festival
Mexico Post #19, Ciudad de Mexico/Mexico City: Colonia Condesa, Colonia Coyoacán, y La Casa Azul
Mexico Post #20, Ciudad de Mexico/Mexico City: Chapultapec y Centro Historico
Mexico Post #21, Ciudad de Mexico/Mexico City: Museo Nacional de Antropologia y Templo Mayor
Mexico Post #22, Living the Dream in San Miguel de Allende
Mexico Post #23, Viva la Independencia!
Mexico Post #24, Adios San Miguel
Mexico Post #25, Valle de Bravo y Teploztlán
Mexico Post #26, Ciudad de Oaxaca
Mexico Post #27, 50 Shades of Green: On the road from Oaxaca to Chiapas
Mexico Post #28, San Cristóbal de las Casas
Mexico Post #29, Almost Halloween Ed.: Dark Mountains, Foggy Cliffs, Witches, Jungles & Shamans
Mexico Post #30, Veracruz, Tampico y Estados Unidos