We’ve been living in South Africa for two months now. I’ve shared highlights, info and tons of photos. But I didn’t plan to share this!

Oh wait. What were you expecting?
Is that why you visited this post? C’mon this is a family friendly program! 😉
I’m glad you’re here. There’s something I’d like to talk about now that I have your attention.
Since I launched the new Travels and Tripulations site (moving from Blogger to WordPress) in early February this year, my highest daily hits (I mean views – I’m not a mobster) count has been 177. Checking on those stats is starting to become a tad addictive. I don’t want to become one of those people who bases the degree of her self-worth on some random number. I need stats stat!
TODAY I’m thinking big (ger) and would like to reach 250. And YOU can help. If you please…share the blog or check out some posts you haven’t read. For every post you read, I get a “view”. On average, a person views three posts per visit. The more visitors, the more views, the more Google likes the blog. This whole business has a familiar and uncomfortable high school popularity contest ring to it.
Here’s a complicated mathematical brain twister for ya: If Kenda needs 250 views on her travel blog and if visitors view an average of 3 posts per visit, how many visitors does it take to change a lightbulb?
And while you’re at it, I notice you haven’t subscribed yet. Yes, you. You, right there in front of the screen.
It’s very simple and free. Just go to the little thingy at the very top, right side of the blog or on the right sidebar of this post. Where it says Subscribe Via Email, enter your email address and click Subscribe. You will then receive email notifications of each new post I publish. Isn’t that what you always wanted anyway? I will honor your information (I will only have your email address, not your name), so no worries about my selling it or using it for anything creepy.
And thank you for watching. I mean reading.
If you could live anywhere in the world not including your current place of residence, where would you live? For what reason?
Please answer in the comments section. Your input may help us choose our next temporary home.
Like all great travelers, I have seen more than I remember, and remember more than I have seen.
~Benjamin Disraeli
Travel is glamorous only in retrospect.
~Paul Theroux
Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness.
~Mark Twain
Stats update April 18, 2014
Well, I didn’t hit the mark. Bummer. Someone suggested that perhaps this cunning plan would have shown better results had I launched it anytime other than a religious holiday weekend.
44 visitors
3.66 posts each
My stats took a step in the wrong direction. Still, I find myself tickled that 44 people visited the site and spent some valuable time reading my posts. AND these stats do not count anyone who has RSS feed or email subscriptions (unless they clicked in) AND I did get some new subscribers. AND I am pleased to see that my South Africa views are on the rise. A thank you is in order to Visit South Africa for their recent tweets.
It’s all good. I will carry on and continue to focus on providing some entertaining and valuable content to the fellow globe trippers. See country breakdown below.
Country | Views |
90 | |
30 | |
18 | |
9 | |
6 | |
4 | |
3 | |
1 |
Stats update April 19, 2014
Views: 215
Visitors: 47
Views per Visitor: 4.57
Hey! Good news, these stats beat my all-time high and folks are reading more or at least clicking more. Hopefully spending some time scooting around and reading.
Photos, videos and stuff*** Please contact me for permission to use images and text for commercial or private use. And please do follow this blog and/or write comments. A million and sixty-nine thanks.
Check out the other South Africa posts below:
South Africa Post #1: Our first Kruger National Park Safari
South Africa Post #2: Babysitting a Banded Mongoose Pup in Marloth Park
South Africa Post #3: When Zebras Visit
South Africa Post #4: Daily Living in Marloth Park, South Africa
South Africa Post #5: Kruger Restcamps: Skukuza, Satara and Olifants
South Africa Post #6: Kruger Safari: Full Moon over Letaba
South Africa Post #7: Kruger Safari: Treasure Hunting in Tamboti and Lower Sabie
South Africa Post #8: There’s a Mongoose in my Ear!
South Africa Post #9: Peering through God’s Window at Blyde River Canyon
South Africa Post #10: The Dam Boat Tour at Blyde River Canyon
This is South Africa Post #11: Rare Sexual Encounters of South Africa
South Africa Post #12: To the Wildlife of Marloth Park
South Africa Post #13: Nelspruit to Cape Town
South Africa Post #14: Moved to Tears on Freedom Day
South Africa Post #15: Penguins in South Africa?
South Africa Post #16: The Southernmost Tip of Africa
South Africa Post #17: Birds of Eden at Plettenberg Bay
South Africa Post #18: Dear South Africa: I love you, but…
South Africa Post #19: Elephants at Addo National Park
South Africa Post #20: The Garden Route: Nature’s Valley and Wilderness
South Africa Post #21: Endangered Bontebok
South Africa Post #22: Top Five Cape Town Experiences
South Africa Post #23: Chasing Rainbows in South Africa
South Africa Post #24: Vegan Wanderlust in South Africa
South Africa Post #25: Ubuntu
A friend wrote in and suggested these two places for us: Ouray, Colorado and Sweden (specifically the Ice Hotel). I had no idea there was a “little Switzerland” in the US. Ouray looks like a place we have to visit.
This comment just in from a friend:
Hi Kenda! The boys and I have enjoyed your blog – and awesome photos! I don’t know if these suggestions can compete but we came up with a list for you to day dream the “what if’s” of these places. Those with * we have been to, others are on our own curiosity meter :-).
You guys look so happy – and what a refreshing way of life and goodness ;-).
*San Antonio de Areco, Argentina
*Alba, Italy
*Alpes-Maritimes region of France
Papua New Guinea
*Kyoto Peru Bahia, Brazil
*Adelaide, Australia
Capo Verde
*New Zealand
Hugs, P & the boys
And my response?
Wow, P. First off, I never before realized you and the boys have been to THAT many places. Secondly, this is a GREAT list. We will look over it closely and thank you for the shout-out.
Hugs back to you and the boys!