On top of the world
A boundless adoration
Brilliantly soaring
A Riddle
What do you get when you add one of my favorite topics, pollinators, to a favorite pastime, art?
Pollinators + Art = ?
Sure, okay, pollinartors.
Yes, yes, pollinart.
Read on!
A Pollinator Anthology
Today is a celebration of that stunning, spinning, perfectly imperfect sphere of wild beauty—Earth. To honor this Earth Day of this year 2022, I’m giving a shout out for the pollinators and to some friends who work tirelessly to protect them.
The answer to the above riddle:
Pollinators + Art = the Pollinator Anthology, an amalgamation of creativity and ecology.
The brainchild of Eden Orlando and Rebeca Ramm in the Rogue Valley in Southern Oregon, the Pollinator Anthology “celebrates and honors pollinators of our past, present, and future.”
Eden and Rebeca collected over 300 pieces of original work that honors our pollinators and their importance in the local ecology. Designed to provide education, celebrate progress in protecting pollinators, and highlight stewardship, the Pollinator Anthology will soon be published as a one-of-a-kind art book. I envision it adorning coffee tables in homes throughout North America.
All of the artists who contributed were invited to express—through the written word, video, and digital or non-digital art—the feeling of “wonder watching a shimmering hummingbird floating before a honeysuckle flower, the magical hum of a carpenter bee entering a lupine flower, or the feel of a tiny seed in your fingers ready to plant.” Artists and writers were encouraged to express themselves in any way they choose—relaying literally or abstractly the brilliant natural beauty that surrounds us or the manmade ugliness, harm, and even death caused by pesticides.
The question contributors were asked:
What is your story, and how will you share it?
The Pollinator Anthology Book
Rebeca and Orlando are currently designing a book housing all of the submissions. You can preorder your very own copy (or two!) starting April 24. All proceeds of this project benefit an important organization, Pollinator Project Rogue Valley, whose mission is to inspire, engage, and educate about the ecological importance of wild pollinator species and the diverse native plant communities essential for their survival.
Here’s where you come in! By purchasing the book you’re contributing to an indispensable nonprofit and the protection of pollinators.
But wait, there’s more!
You’re not just purchasing any ole’ book, you’re getting a gorgeous masterpiece that’s chock-full of mouthwatering eye-nectar and an engaging conversation piece to display in your home.
Books will be on preorder for $30.00 starting Sunday, April 24! See the Instagram, Eventbrite and Facebook links below to purchase your copy (or two!). The print run is 200 books and they’re also looking for sponsors for initial printing if you’d like to donate and have your name or business/logo added to the gratitude page, shared online through social media, and displayed on a poster during the 2-monthlong gallery event at the Catalyst Ashland Gallery where many of the pieces will be showcased. I know. Long sentence. The due date for sponsorships is May 2.
Follow the anthology and starting April 24 buy a book (or two!) via Eventbrite, Facebook, or Instagram
My contribution to the book (digital art) and gallery (printed on metal) is above and of course a Haiku!
Do you have an Earth Day haiku?
Yes, Yes you do! Share and show in the comments below!
Just one mother earth.
The one of dazzling beauty.
The one who breathes life.
Kristina forwarded this. So many lovely images and sentiments and GREAT puns! Thank you!
Thank YOU, Paul! 😊
Happy Earth Day dear Kenda!!!
Peace and One Love…
Happy Earth Day to you Dear Aria!
One Love 💜💜💜